The Rescue Services includes water rescue, search & rescue, and vehicle extrication. We are the primary source of Rescue Services for the communities of Davis, Stacy, Sea Level, Atlantic, and Cedar Island. These services are provided by both paid and volunteer staff. Our unique location requires us to be well rounded and knowledgeable in many aspects of rescue.
Water Rescue
We provide Water Rescue by using a 20' Carolina Skiff to protect South Core Banks, Portsmouth, and surrounding waters. We are typically called upon to assist the United States Coast Guard. We have provided assistance to stranded and missing boaters, injured campers, missing or injured duck hunters, and overdue boaters and vacationers. Our rescue services have assisted local military operations in the area. Our water rescue unit provides Advanced life support when deployed.
Search & Rescue
We have several members in our department who are certified in search and rescue operations. We have had to search for elderly and young alike. We also have a SAR K9 handler on staff.
Vehicle Extrication
Our department is well experienced in many aspects of vehicle extrication. We have tools capable of handling many different scenarios. We have the ownly route from the main land to the NC Ferry Cedar Island to Ocracoke travel through our district. This road is covered by marsh on both sides of the road in many places. There is poor lighting over much of this road as well. This creates a unique driving experiance for those who are not used to the area.
Emergency Medical Services
Our Emergency Medical Service is of premiere quality. We have advanced life support (Paramedic) on duty each day. Our friendly staff is always available to take blood pressures, assist with many other medical needs, and transportation to local hospitals.